Colin Campbell Award for Excellence in Technical Theatre
Mary Phillips Award for Behind-the-Scenes Achievement
Someone who has worked tirelessly “behind the scenes” for the community and yet has never taken a bow; someone who exemplifies the spirit and dedication that was Mary.
This winner receives a Jessie statue and is chosen by a committee from the theatre community and David Phillips

Ray Michal Award for Outstanding Work and/or Body of Work
by an Emerging Director
Awarded to an emerging director, which is defined as an individual who is within the first five (5) years of their professional debut as a director, who has combined commitment, vision, integrity, and added a dash of daring to their artistic endeavours
and body of work.

Sam Payne Award for Most Promising Emerging Artist
Awarded to an emerging artist is an individual who is within three (3) years of their
professional debut in the field for which they are being considered.
Eligible disciplines include, but are not limited to, performance, playwriting, stage management and design.